Things got out of hand in a Jordanian TV debate between Sheik Muhammad Al-Balbisi, a member of the Levant Scholars’ Union, and Jordanian lawyer Ziyad Al-Najdawi, who had served as one of the lawyers on Saddam Hussein’s legal team, with both guests hurling insults at one another. The show aired on JoSat TV and was posted on the Internet on February 24, 2014.
Following are excerpts:
Sheik Muhammad Al-Balbisi, member of the Levant Scholars’ Union: The Arabs are incapable of defending Islam. It was not the Arabs or pan-Arabism that defended Islam and the Koran...
Jordanian lawyer Ziyad Al-Najdawi: That’s heresy.
Sheik Muhammad Al-Balbisi: Be patient, hear me out.
Ziyad Al-Najdawi: That’s heresy.
Sheik Muhammad Al-Balbisi: You don’t understand Islam.
Ziyad Al-Najdawi: By God, that’s heresy.
Sheik Muhammad Al-Balbisi: “Indeed, it is We who sent down the Koran, and indeed, We will be its guardian.”
Ziyad Al-Najdawi: The Koran was conveyed in Arabic...
Sheik Muhammad Al-Balbisi: It was Allah, not people like you, who sent down the Koran and who protects it.
Ziyad Al-Najdawi: Well, it was certainly not people like you.
Sheik Muhammad Al-Balbisi: Calm down. Stop playing games.
Moderator: Calm down, Ziyad.
Ziyad Al-Najdawi gets up
Ziyad Al-Najdawi: Watch what you’re saying.
Sheik Muhammad Al-Balbisi: It is Allah who defends Islam despite you and your pan-Arabism. “Indeed, it is We who sent down the Koran, and indeed, We will be its guardian.”
Ziyad Al-Najdawi: How dare you talk about pan-Arabism.
Sheik Muhammad Al-Balbisi: I am more Arab than you.
Ziyad Al-Najdawi: You’re an apostate!
Sheik Muhammad Al-Balbisi: You are an apostate yourself!
Ziyad Al-Najdawi: Don’t you dare speak ill of pan-Arabism.
Sheik Muhammad Al-Balbisi: You are the apostate.
Ziyad Al-Najdawi: You are sowing corruption.
Sheik Muhammad Al-Balbisi: No, you are. You’re leading people astray.
Ziyad Al-Najdawi: You have a hidden agenda.
Sheik Muhammad Al-Balbisi: You hold a personal grudge.
Ziyad Al-Najdawi: Shame on you. You are talking to a pan-Arabist. I believe in this nation and in its mission.
Sheik Muhammad Al-Balbisi: Why were you [demonstrating opposite the Iraqi embassy]?
Ziyad Al-Najdawi: I stepped on them with my shoes.
Sheik Muhammad Al-Balbisi: No, you didn’t. They beat you with 60 shoes.
Ziyad Al-Najdawi: I stepped on them. You are the one who deserves to be beaten with shoes...
Sheik Muhammad Al-Balbisi: it is you who deserves to be beaten with shoes. Shame on you, you mercenary.
Sheik Muhammad Al-Balbisi: I don’t want to talk now about President Saddam Hussein...
Ziyad Al-Najdawi: Say: “May Allah have mercy on his soul” because he was a Muslim.
Sheik Muhammad Al-Balbisi: It is up to Allah to weight people’s good and bad deeds... He will be judged by Allah and by the historians.
Ziyad Al-Najdawi: He was a Muslim.
Sheik Muhammad Al-Balbisi: May Allah have mercy on everybody’s soul...
Ziyad Al-Najdawi: He was a Muslim.
Sheik Muhammad Al-Balbisi: Who gave the three islands to the Iranian shah?
Ziyad Al-Najdawi picks up a stick and makes as if to hit Al-Balbisi. The moderator tries to separate them, as the shouting continues.