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May 01, 2007
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Winners of Iranian Nuclear Energy Contest

#1455 | 01:38
Source: Channel 1 (Iran)

Following is a report on the winners of the Iranian nuclear energy contest, which aired on Channel 1, Iranian TV on May 1, 2007:

Reporter: These are the winners of the nuclear energy contest. They were accepted out of 500,000 participants. We have some questions. Let's see if they pass our test as well.

Do you know how many kilograms of coal are equivalent to half a kilogram of enriched uranium?

Contestant A: Yes, it is equivalent to 1,500 tons of coal.

Reporter: Do you know what radio-pharmaceuticals are?

Contestant B: They are used by the medical industry to cure some cancerous diseases.

Reporter: Do you know how long is half a lifetime of radio- pharmaceuticals?

Contestant C: Yes, six hours, more or less.

Reporter: Do you know what percentage of the world's energy is nuclear?

Contestant D: According to the statistics, 17% of the world's energy is nuclear.

Reporter: Which country signed the Isfahan UCF contract? When was that? And what ultimately happened?

Contestant E: It was signed with China in 1993. It was a five-year contract, but they did not uphold it. They abandoned it.

Reporter: What does "nuclear fuel cycle" mean?

Contestant E: A nuclear fuel cycle is... I don't know.

Reporter: Do you know what America's income from nuclear energy is?

Contestant F: Approximately 300 billion dollars.

Reporter: What do you know about nuclear energy?

Contestant G: I know that when the oil runs out, nuclear energy replaces it . Also, it can be used for medicinal and agricultural purposes.

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