Al-Araby TV (Qatar) aired on January 27, 2024 a video of a Yemeni-Houthi RPG drill, simulating attacks against American and Israeli targets. In the video, Houthi fighters are seen practicing targeting Israeli military barracks and American armored vehicles with RPGs, exclaiming: "Allah Akbar! Death to America! Death to Israel! Curse upon the Jews! Victory to Islam!"
Houthi fighter: "Brother, the commander of operations in the central military command, following our commanders' order to improve our combat RPG skills, as well as our capabilities in all parts of combat operations – we engage in the Battle of the Promised Conquest and Holy Jihad.
"With your permission, we will start our drill – 'the Battle of the Promised Conquest and Holy Jihad' – for the RPG platoon."
Commander: "Go ahead!"
Reporter: "They are waiting for a sign by their commander. They will start by targeting those military barracks, as you can see."
Command over radio: "Crush the enemy barracks! Send them to hell! Let no infidel raise his head!"
Chants: "Allah Akbar! Death to America! Death to Israel! Curse upon [the Jews]!
"Allah Akbar! Death to American! Death to Israel! Curse upon the Jews! Victory to Islam!"