Yemeni military expert and strategic analyst Colonel Mujib Shamsan said on an October 31, 2023 show on Al-Manar TV (Hizbullah-Lebanon) that the Houthis will continue to launch missiles and UAVs at Israeli and American targets. He said that if matters escalate, then any naval passage by Israeli or American vessels in the Red Sea and Bab el-Mandab Strait could be targeted. The show host commented that the Houthis are implementing their motto "Death to America" and "Death to Israel."
Colonel Mujib Shamsan: "We will fire more and more missiles at the vital and sensitive targets [of Israel] and at the Americans as well. Their presence in the region will not be safe, because our missiles and UAVs can reach these targets, as well as the warships in the Red Sea and elsewhere.
"Anything that can effectively inflict pain upon this entity may be included in the bank of targets of the Yemeni armed forces. If matters escalate to this level, any naval passage by the Zionist entity or the Americans in the Red Sea and the Bab el-Mandeb Strait can be targeted.
"The Yemeni armed forces have no red lines, with regard to the American presence, as well as the Israeli presence. Any American or Israeli presence is included in the bank of targets for the Yemeni armed forces, and will be targeted at the appropriate time, in case our leaders decide to do so, or in case this is needed, if matters escalate to this level."
Host: "It should be noted that the motto of the Yemeni armed forces and the [Houthi] Ansar Allah movement is ‘Death to America’ and ‘Death to Israel.’ Today, you are implementing this motto for the whole world to see."