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Aug 24, 2014
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Young Boy Pledges Allegiance to ISIS

#4445 | 01:03
Source: Online Platforms

In this video-clip, a young boy pledges allegiance to ISIS. When asked whether he is aware that pledging allegiance to the Emir of the Believers means that he agrees to be killed for the sake of Allah, he responds: "Yes, Allah willing." The video-clip was posted on the Internet on August 24, 2014.

Following is a transcript of the translation:

Man: I vow not to disobey orders...

Young boy: I vow not to disobey orders...

Man: unless I detect clear heresy....

Young boy: unless I detect clear heresy....

Man: for which I have evidence conveyed by Allah...

Young boy: for which I have evidence conveyed by Allah...

Man: Allah witnesses what we say...

Young boy: Allah witnesses what we say...

Man: May Allah bless you.

Another man: How do you feel now that you have pledged allegiance? How does it feel to pledge allegiance to the Islamic State?

Young boy: It feels good.

Man: You know that by pledging allegiance to the Emir of the Believers you are agreeing to be killed for the sake of Allah?

Young boy: Yes, Allah willing.

Man: May Allah bless you.


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