Al-Battar Media Video Claims ISIS Hackers Hacked 'UK Military Website,' Gives Details Of Westerners, Calls On Lone Wolves To Kill Crusaders - Especially 'Soldiers And Military Officers' Revealed In Video

August 25, 2015

On August 23, 2015, the Al-Battar Media group, which is identified with the Islamic State (ISIS), released a nine-minute video titled "A Message to the Lone Wolves" via the Al-Battar Media Twitter account. The video reveals personal information that it says belongs to Western individuals, including officials and soldiers, allegedly collected via an ISIS hack of a "UK military website" through which, it says, weapons are sold.

The video leaks the names, email addresses of soldiers, officials, and other Westerners whom it says are connected to the hacked website, and calls on "lone wolves" to kill Crusaders, particularly the army officers whose details are revealed. It also gives a list of Western websites that it says were recently hacked by ISIS hackers.

Opening with a series of Al-Jazeera reports published in recent months on cyberattacks allegedly carried out by ISIS hackers against the French TV5Monde and U.S. CENTCOM, the video also includes a recording of ISIS spokesman Abu Muhammad Al-'Adnani's call to lone wolves across the world to carry out attacks in the heart of the enemy's cities.

The full text of this report is available to MEMRI's Jihad and Terrorism Threat Monitor Subscribers. Subscription information is available at this link. JTTM subscribers can visit this page to view the report.

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