On the backdrop of the Azerbaijani-Armenian military conflict in the Nagorno-Karabakh region, Azerbaijani hackers from the Anti-Armenia Team successfully hacked and defaced the Twitter account for the Russian embassy in Armenia (@rusembassyARM) on April 5, 2016, using it to post Azeri flags and tweets against Armenia and Russia. For example, the above image reads: "When Russia sees that Azerbaijan retaliates against Armenia as it deserves, it immediately orders a ceasefire. Russia would do better to ask Armenia what its soldiers are doing in Azerbaijani territory?!"
Below are several images from the hack:For more, see MEMRI CJL Report, Turkish, Armenian Hackers Clash Amid Nagorno-Karabakh Dispute, April 5, 2016.
Source: Hackread.com, April 7, 2016.