ISIS Hacktivists Publish A Hit-List Of Italian Officers To Be Targeted By "Lone Wolves"

June 1, 2015


On May 30, 2015 Islamic State (ISIS) online activists distributed on Twitter a document urging ISIS lone wolf operatives in Italy to target Italian military personnel, while supplying ten profiles complete with pictures, addresses and phone numbers of the prospective targets. The document is signed by a support group calling itself the "Islamic State Hacking Division" (ISHD) which has no apparent official link to ISIS. The same group was behind the March 2015 publication of a hit-list covering 100 US military personnel. In its message, the group made claims -still unconfirmed -that it had penetrated and gained access to secure servers. The information distributed in both the Italian and US cases was apparently retrieved online using open source intelligence gathering methods to trawl through social media and publicly available records. The practice of publishing online personal data about an individual or doxxing in internet jargon is standard fare for hacktivists and cyber-vigilantes.

The document hosted on the platform was distributed by ISIS supporters...

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