On March 3, 2016, the hacker group Cyber TeamRox launched its official channel on the encrypted messaging app Telegram. The group currently has 134 members. Posts by the group include: hacking technique; articles about cyberattacks and contributions from members; instructions on using VPN, how to circumvent online surveillance, and hacking drones; tracking the U.S. government's cyber efforts, and claims of hacking the NSA; monitoring the Pentagon and other U.S. agencies; and recommendations to follow other Jihadi and pro-ISIS accounts, including the "Constants of Jihad."
The group also claims to have hacked the NSA and Saudi government websites.
On March 3, 2016, CTR posted the following message setting out the goals for the group: publishing various hacking techniques and exploits, informative articles, and announcements of the latest cyber attacks, as well as contributions from others who want to share their knowledge.
On multiple occasions, CTR posted steps on how to use VPN
CTR claims responsibility for hacking a local Saudi government website
Post about the new U.S. Department of Defense program challeging Americans to hack their software
CTR also published a list of "do's and don'ts" in hacking to ensure that actions do not draw attention or surveillance. Some of the tips focused on how to avoid getting on watchlists and how to circumvent surveillance, and warnings to not deal with the FBI.
CTR published what it claims to be the details of a hack of the NSA that it forwarded from the "Daily hadith" Telegram channel:
CTR also recommended that its followers join another channel, "The Constants of Jihad," for "pro Islamic State updates, reminders, and important information":
CTR provided a link to instructions on drone hacking:
Together with "Online Da'wah Operations," CTR planned a Facebook attack for March 5, 2016 at 10 PM:
The group posted a list of websites to which it had gained access, including an Italian server with credit card information:
MasterCard details from the server:
A repost from "Sons Caliphate Army":
CTR shared a link to "Khilafah News":
The group posted a back door to WordPress:
A hacker found a way to record and steal passwords in cleartext:
A post on unlocking fingerprint-protected phones using an inkjet printer:
A message forwarded from "Islamic State News" and "Islamic State Videos," two other Telegram accounts:
CTR's admins announced a new channel, "Kalachnikv Hackers" and asked followers to share the information and join it. Admin F@ng said they would be posting on both channels:
Message announcing attack in coordination with Online Da'wah Operations:
The group also has a Facebook page; according to its "About," this page was started in December 2014.[1]
[1] Facebook.com/TeamRoxofficial/info/?tab=page_info, accessed March 9, 2016