On September 11, 2016, the Telegram channel of the pro-ISIS hacking group "Sons Caliphate Army" posted an announcement stating that most of the Facebook and Twitter accounts hacked by the group had been disabled. The post also featured a personalized message to Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook and Jack Dorsey of Twitter, mocking them as follows:
"#Mark and #Jack Are you afraid of us this much?
Don't worry. We will not scare you, but terrorize you with our unannounced #hacks.
This most recent Sons Caliphate Army Twitter account was created on September 11, 2016. As of September 12, 2016, the account has 306 members.
For more information on the pro-ISIS Sons Caliphate Army, see MEMRI CJL, Pro-ISIS Hacker Group 'Sons Caliphate Army' On Telegram - Sharing Hacks, Threats, Jihad Content, March 31, 2016.
Source: Sons Caliphate Army Telegram Channel, September 11, 2016