On Telegram, Pro-ISIS Hacking Group 'Sons Caliphate Army' Announces Twitter Accounts It Hacked Have Been Disabled, Mocks Facebook And Twitter CEOs Mark Zuckerberg And Jack Dorsey

September 12, 2016


On September 11, 2016, the Telegram channel of the pro-ISIS hacking group "Sons Caliphate Army" posted an announcement stating that most of the Facebook and Twitter accounts hacked by the group had been disabled. The post also featured a personalized message to Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook and Jack Dorsey of Twitter, mocking them as follows:

"#Mark and #Jack Are you afraid of us this much?

Don't worry. We will not scare you, but terrorize you with our unannounced #hacks.




This most recent Sons Caliphate Army Twitter account was created on September 11, 2016. As of September 12, 2016, the account has 306 members.

For more information on the pro-ISIS Sons Caliphate Army, see MEMRI CJL, Pro-ISIS Hacker Group 'Sons Caliphate Army' On Telegram - Sharing Hacks, Threats, Jihad Content, March 31, 2016.

09121650912163Source: Sons Caliphate Army Telegram Channel, September 11, 2016

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