A campaign to fund terrorist attacks against Jews in Israel is underway on Twitter and Telegram. The "Al-Aqsa Nafeer Campaign," launched a few weeks ago, states that it aims to "prepare the mujahideen of Bait Al-Maqdis [Jerusalem, also used to designate Palestine]... [to carry out] jihadi and martyrdom operations targeting the Jews..." It also says that the attacks are aimed at "liberating the imprisoned Al-Aqsa Mosque from the filth of the aggressing Jews."
This is not the first such campaign online; a campaign by the same name launched in July 2015 sought donations to support the families of Palestinian "martyrs" and prisoners, and collected food for the needy during Ramadan.
Funds collected for the families of Palestinian martyrs and prisoners. (Source: Justpaste.it/mnce, July 28, 2015) Envelopes with money addressed to prisoners' and martyrs' families. (Source: Justpaste.it/mnce, July 28, 2015)However, the current campaign is geared towards collecting funds for weapons and other military gear needed by the mujahideen in Palestine in order to target the Jews; so far, according to a statement released by the campaign, it has been "successful."
The statement said: "We bring to you the glad tidings that by the grace of Allah, the brothers behind the campaign were able to prepare 20 mujahid [who are members] in the Abu Anas Al-Shami detachment... May Allah use them for his sake, and [may they become a reason for] liberating Al-Aqsa Mosque from the filth of the Jews..."
The list of the weapons and their prices that are being requested in the campaign include: a RPG rocket launcher for $3000; a sniper rifle for $6000, a PK machine gun for $5500, a Katyusha rocket at $900, a Grad missile with a range of 20 kilometers for $4000, and a Grad missile with a range of 40 km for $10,000.
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