Pakistani Hackers Conduct Cyber-Espionage Campaign Against India

March 25, 2016


On March 24, 2016 it was reported that Pakistani hackers launched "Operation C-Major" - a cyber-espionage campaign targeting Indian military employees. The hackers used a spear-phishing mechanism and distributed spyware to the victims, through which data was mined from their computers.

According to the reports, this is the third such campaign by Pakistani hackers.

Security software firm Trend Micro, which discovered the attack, said that information gathered included IDs, salary information, passport scans, and tax and personal information on military personnel. They also discovered confidential military information stored on the server used by the attackers, including strategic/tactical info and troop movements. Additionally, the server contained information about another future operation that will utilize Android mobile malware.

However, according to Trend Micro, the hackers were not proficient in covering their tracks, which is how they gained access to the server that stored the phished data.

Source:, March 24, 2016.

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