On September 13, 2021, pro-ISIS British preacher Anjem Choudary published a post on his Telegram channel announcing the launch of a Twitter campaign, set to begin on September 17 at 10 PM London time to call for the release of Dr. Aafia Siddiqui, a Pakistani woman incarcerated in the U.S. for attempting to kill U.S. military personnel.
In the announcement, which included a hashtag for the campaign, Choudary described Siddiqui as a "Muslim woman, an intellectual and a champion for the cause of those who faced oppression, who has been illegally and unjustly treated by the Taghout [tyrant] regimes of Pakistan and America, suffering continuing torture, abuse and inhumane treatment."
Choudary, whose Telegram channel has over 800 subscribers, also highlighted the importance of freeing prisoners in Islam, saying that "Islamic history is replete with examples of Muslim armies being sent to liberate individual men and women held by non-Islamic regimes and the Messenger Muhammad (saw) has informed us that it is obligatory to free the prisoners."
The post mentioned a previously launched campaign calling for the release of Siddiqui, and condemned Muslim leaders "who haven't lifted a finger for her to be freed even though some of them sit on nuclear weapons."
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