On October 10, 2021, a pro-Islamic State (ISIS) British preacher published a post on his Telegram channel announcing the launch of a Twitter campaign to call for the release of Mustafa Kamel Mustafa, also known as Abu Hamza Al-Masri, whom a U.S. court found guilty in 2014 of supporting terrorism including setting up a terrorism training camp in the U.S.
In a statement translated into several languages including Arabic, English, Dutch, Russian, and Urdu, the preacher urged Muslims to use a hashtag on Twitter to amplify their calls for the immediate release of the Egyptian jihadi cleric, who was the imam of Finsbury Park Mosque in London, England.
The announcement described Al-Masri as "an Islamic activist and a reference point for many Muslims," saying that his "outspoken criticism of Western foreign policy in Muslim lands and call for the Shari'ah drew criticism from the anti-Muslim press in the UK and West for many years."
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