Following the terrorist attacks in Brussels on March 22, 2016, the pro-ISIS hacker group Kalachnikv E-Security Team posted a message on its Telegram channel providing its followers in Belgium with security instructions. Their message reads:
"Attention to all our brothers in Belgium:
"- Stay away from using internet unless you are using encryption software such as Tor Network, i2P Network, VPN.
"- Encrypt all your jihadi files and it's better to delete them permanently with Erase or iShredder or Kill Disk.
"- We highly recommend using Tails OS or Qubes OS and stay away from using any other products or systems unless you unplug internet.
"- Stay away from Social Media websites. Don't share any information with your brothers right now. Keep low profile until the heat dies down.
"- Intelligence agencies will work all day and night to catch any jihadi in Belgium so be ready to act.
"- Try to change your location as soon as possible and don't tell anyone about your location.
"- Don't panic, keep calm, and concentrate on your next move and don't forget to warn your brothers to take precautions."
Source: Kalachinkv E-Security Team Telegram channel, March 22, 2016.