On January 16, 2021, multiple pro-Islamic State (ISIS) media groups online launched a campaign intended to express solidarity with ISIS jihadis and supporters in enemy prisons and remind them that fellow fighters are determined to free them. A pro-ISIS outlet devoted to information security released on Telegram a short video saying that for Muslims, supporting prisoners on media platforms – including YouTube, WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter – is an obligation.
It also warned media operatives that intelligence agencies seek to track and arrest them and urged them to take maximum security measures and to leave no room for laxity. The video warned media activists of what it called "incorrect security practices" that lead to the arrest of ISIS followers. These include downloading apps from unknown sources, browsing the internet without using Tor or a VPN, accessing links from unknown sources, verifying personal accounts on social media, using cellphones that do not accept security updates, storing calls and files without encryption, using official social media apps on cellphones, and using personal phones for media activity. The video concluded by providing its accounts on encrypted platforms such as Threema, Conversations, and Element.
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