On August 23, 2022, a pro-Islamic State (ISIS) Telegram channel published a poster titled "The Most Important Means Of Support," urging ISIS supporters on social media to take part in an "organized" effort to disseminate official and unofficial ISIS news and media productions.
The poster began by reminding supporters that ISIS considers their involvement in the dissemination of its news and productions to be one of the most important ways they can show their support.
"Dear zealous brother, know well that what the Islamic State expects from you the most is to work hard to continuously disseminate its news, to keep Muslims cheerfully informed, and to infuriate the enemies of Allah by casting terror in their hearts," said the poster.
The poster argued that supporting ISIS online has become easier, thanks to a media team: "Today, [supporting ISIS] has become easier with your brothers in the Raid Brigade, where work is organized and no longer in a state of scattered discontinuity, which many supporters suffer from by working alone," it stressed.
According to the poster, the new group is divided into four "sub-battalions," each dedicated to the dissemination of a specific type of jihadi media content, released by both ISIS official outlets as well as non-official media entities.
The "Messaging Knights" manage the dissemination of ISIS news and its Al-Naba' weekly content, the "Blazing Assaults" disseminate productions by pro-ISIS individuals or media outlets, the "Epic Creators" circulate ISIS's official video productions, and the "Raid Soldiers" battalion specializes in "raiding Facebook."
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