On May 11, 2017, the pro-ISIS (Islamic State) hacking group Caliphate Cyber Terrorism Army (CCTA) announced that it was ending its hacking campaign named for the late ISIS spokesman Abu Muhammad Al-'Adnani. The campaign, which apparently was launched in March 2017, had, according to the group, targeted 1,843 Facebook accounts and 376 Facebook pages. The announcement was posted in both English and Arabic on the group's Telegram channel.
The announcement reads: "The end of the raid of Sheikh Abu Muhammad al-'Adnani (May Allah Accept Him)
To proceed: Today, we declare the end of the raid of Sheikh Abu Muhammad al-'Adnani (May Allah Accept Him) which was focused on Facebook based on three perspectives:
"First: Shutting down pages of Rafidi [derogatory term for Shi'ites] and kuffar [infidels] as 1,843 pages were shut down (all results are posted here in the channel).
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