On October 4, 2023, a pro-ISIS Telegram channel announced the establishment of new pro-ISIS messaging groups on the encrypted messaging application Session, as well as a link to an existing group. The post called for supporters to share news of the new groups and encourage others to use the Session app.
Session is a messaging application that emphasizes its users’ privacy and offers end-to-end encryption of all messages. Founded in 2019 by a group of privacy advocates, it is built upon the Signal Protocol, which ensures that only the intended recipient can decrypt and read messages, making it virtually impossible for third parties, including the app's own developers, to access user communications. Session is an open-source app, allowing the community to review the app's code for potential vulnerabilities.
Users create an ID unique to the application, instead of sharing their phone numbers or email addresses, enhancing anonymity. Session offers standard voice, text and video messaging features, as well as the ability to set self-destruct timers on messages. Users can add a cryptocurrency wallet to their account as well.
Law enforcement and counterterrorism agencies have expressed concerns about Session, due to its strong privacy features. While encryption safeguards user data from surveillance, it can also potentially be used by malicious actors to communicate covertly, posing challenges for criminal investigations.
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