On November 5, 2015, the Twitter account of Abu Hudhayfah Al-Yamani (@alyamaniah) announced the launch of a new channel on the secure message app Telegram for reporting "U.S. crimes in Yemen."
In recent weeks, jihadis and terrorist groups have been flocking to Telegram, where they have been utilizing the platform's recently announced channels service to broadcast their message.
Tweeting the new Telegram channel (Source: Twitter.com/alyamaniah, November 5, 2015)
The switch to Telegram follows repeated shutdowns of similarly themed accounts on Twitter reporting on U.S. military operations and their repercussions in Yemen.
Those behind the new Telegram channel expressed their frustration at Twitter's shutdowns, accusing it of attempting to gag an "unbiased media" source. Twitter has suspended at least two such accounts, one of which, according to the Telegram channel, had over 40,000 followers.
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