On Telegram, Iran-Backed Militias In Iraq Celebrate Drone Attacks On U.S. Base In Syria

October 22, 2021

On October 20, 2021, several Telegram channels affiliated with Iran-backed militias in Iraq celebrated the drone attacks that targeted U.S. forces that day, in Al-Tanf base in Syria, close to the border with Jordan.

One channel posted a video featuring a computer simulation of drones carrying out attacks on military bases.

The channel also published posters celebrating the attacks. One poster showed an image of a location being targeted and bombed, with the English text: "We will not leave you [alone]."

Another poster depicted a drone and a U.S. flag, with text in Arabic and English reading: "Wherever you turn your faces you will see that there are drones that bomb your ages [sic] and destroy your dreams."

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