On May 25, 2016, the pro-ISIS hacking collective United Cyber Caliphate posted a series of safety instructions for "brothers and sisters" on social media on its Telegram channel. The instructions include:
- Only accept content from trusted accounts.
- Never share personal information such as pictures or voice recording, and if you must do so, delete it immediately afterwards.
- Hide all account information such as email address, phone number, etc.
- Use Tor or a VPN when connecting to social media.
- Never give out your account to any strangers, even ISIS supporters.
- Never open links from untrusted sources.
The post concludes by saying: "Finally, as you know, everyone is trying to find any information concerning you or your location. Don't underestimate these advices, it is for your own protection."
Source: United Cyber Caliphate Telegram channel, May 25, 2016.