March 15, 2021 Special Dispatch No. 9233

Erasing Turkic Culture in China: Inner Mongolia – Xi Jinping's Next 'Ideological Battlefield' After Xinjiang

March 15, 2021
China | Special Dispatch No. 9233

Inner Mongolian children are to be stripped slowly of their cultural identities, as the CCP implements a new series of centrally planned textbooks for primary and junior high schools. The Chinese media outlet Duowei reported, on March 7, 2021, that Xi Jinping personally supervised the initiative from conception to delivery. Last August, the CCP began forceful implementation of its "use of nationally compiled teaching materials policy" modeled after the attempts to erase local cultures in Tibet and Xinjiang under the Party's Sinicization policy of ideological brainwashing and elimination of ethnic minority culture.

Tens of thousands of people in Inner Mongolia made a rare public protest, with authorities reportedly arresting five thousand people and causing nine Mongolians to commit suicide in protest. Regional party officials resisted compliance and were removed from their posts. Bu Xiaolin, Chairwoman of the Inner Mongolian Autonomous Region's People's Government, reportedly resisted and did not appear with Xi, who praised her publicly as if she had endorsed the action. According to Duowei, "Xi Jinping emphasized that school education is a vital ideological battlefield."

Below is the Duowei article:[1]

The renowned Mongolian poem "I am a Mongol" is written on a blackboard (Source: WeChat)

After The Region Rebelled, 'Xi Jinping Expressed His Support For Bu Xiaolin For The First Time Regarding The Inner Mongolia Textbook Turmoil'

"Xi Jinping, the top leader of the CCP, publicly expressed his support for the Inner Mongolian government's 'full implementation of the use of nationally compiled teaching materials' in Beijing on March 5. This was the first time the highest level made a statement on this highly controversial incident.

"In the summer of 2020, Inner Mongolia, an ethnic autonomous region known as China's 'model autonomous region,' was plunged into ethnic conflict with the official implementation of the nationally compiled, standard teaching materials. Although the matter was not resolved, it must be understood that this was an important step in Beijing's shaping of its national identity. Beijing was destined not to compromise.

"Xi Jinping's latest statement was made at the meeting of the Inner Mongolian People's Congress during China's National 'Two Sessions' in 2021. Starting in 2018, Xi Jinping's electoral district had been adjusted from Shanghai to Inner Mongolia. Prior to this, he had participated in group meetings of the Inner Mongolia delegation for four consecutive years.

Xi's Textbooks Are Designed 'To Shape Cultural Identity'

"At the meeting of the Inner Mongolia delegation on March 5th, Xi Jinping stated that Inner Mongolia had the honor of a 'model autonomous region.' It must be cherished and maintained. He also asked Inner Mongolia to increase the awareness of the people of all ethnic groups to the motherland, the Chinese nation, the Chinese culture, the CCP, and the recognition of socialism with Chinese characteristics.

"At the same time, Xi Jinping regards the promotion of the popularization of the national standard language and the full implementation of the use of nationally compiled standard textbooks to shape cultural identity. He required 'in-depth education on the awareness of the Chinese national community, especially starting from the education of young people, to guide cadres and the masses to fully understand the Party's ethnic policies, establish correct views on the country, history, nationality, culture and religion, and unequivocally oppose all kinds of erroneous ideas and views...'

"This statement meant that after experiencing the Inner Mongolia textbook turmoil in the summer of 2020, Beijing publicly expressed its support for the Inner Mongolia government for the first time.

"Save the Mother Tongue!" Protest sign on a delivery bike in Inner Mongolia (Source: WeChat)

Textbook Implementation Began In September 2020

"Before starting the autumn semester in September 2020, the Inner Mongolia Department of Education issued the 'Implementation Plan for the Use of Nationally Compiled Chinese Textbooks in the First Grade of Primary Schools and Junior High Schools in Ethnic Language Teaching.' It required that from September 1, all first grade of primary and junior high schools must terminate teaching the Mongolian mother tongue (not all courses).

"Starting from 2021, the moral and rule of law classes in the first grade of elementary school and the junior high schools will start to use the standard Ethics and Rule of Law textbook. First grade history class of the junior high school in 2022 will use the standard History textbook. The required methods of education were considered by the Western media to promote national assimilation. It caused an uproar.

"Since then, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China clarified that the spoken and written language used by the country is a symbol of national sovereignty. It was the right and obligation of every citizen to learn and use the standard spoken and written language. In recent years, the National Textbook Committee of China organized special forces to compile textbooks in three subjects: Chinese language and literature, politics, and history. These three subjects have been used in all primary and secondary schools across the country since 2017. These three subjects will not affect the setting of other subjects in ethnic language schools. Mongolian language class hours and the textbooks remain unchanged. The teaching language remains the same. The existing bilingual education system remains unchanged.

'Xi Jinping Emphasized That School Education Is A Vital Ideological Battlefield'

"Duowei News previously made a statement regarding the education reforms implemented in the Xi Jinping era: Compared with previous leaders, Xi Jinping emphasized that school education is a vital ideological battlefield. Xi Jinping also emphasized that teaching materials play an important role. The lack of national identity among Hong Kong people and the political crisis caused by it are of great warning value.

CCP's Latest Textbook Modification Began In 2016 To 'Reflect The Will' And 'Power Of The Country'

"In October 2016, the Chinese government issued for the first time a document on rectifying textbooks. The document was titled Opinions on Strengthening and Improving the Construction of Textbooks in Universities, Middle Schools and Primary Schools under the New Situation. The government decided to establish a high-level specialized agency, the National Textbook Committee. From December 7th to 8th 2016, Xi Jinping and several senior CCP leaders attended a national college ideological and political work conference. He reminded officials and teachers of ideological and political courses at the school: 'The development of teaching materials is an important support for educating people and talents. The system of teaching materials, the content of the core teaching materials, what values they advocate and reflect the will of the country are the power of the country.' Immediately after the conference, Beijing promulgated a new syllabus and started the compilation of the 'three subjects' textbooks.

"When Inner Mongolia promoted the national compilation of teaching materials for Chinese language and literature, mainland China was taking action all over the country. It was not just targeting ethnic autonomous regions. Because of this, Beijing will not make concessions on this major issue of national identity.

Inner Mongolian Party Complied With Beijing's Cultural 'Unity' Offensive

"The People's Congress of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region recently passed the Regulations on the Promotion of National Unity and Progress in the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region. It will be implemented officially on May 1st. The regulations clearly state that 'maintaining national unity and ethnic unity is the highest interest of all ethnic groups. It will make specific provisions for promoting the common unity, progress, and common prosperity and development of all ethnic groups. It will fix the rich experience of Inner Mongolia's ethnic unity and ethnic progress activities in the form of legislation. It is necessary to promote the creation activities of ethnic unity and ethnic progress to enter government agencies, enterprises, communities, towns, schools, military companies, religious venues and the Internet.'

"After experiencing the textbook turmoil, Bu Xiaolin, the granddaughter of the 'Mongolian King' Ulanfu and the current Chairman of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Government, fell under great pressure. She fainted at a recent meeting of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region People's Congress. Although she was included in the presidium of the National People's Congress, she did not attend related activities.

"On March 5, Xi Jinping attended the Inner Mongolia delegation meeting and praised Ulanfu's contribution. Bu Xiaolin was still absent and did not appear on Xi Jinping's right hand as she did in previous years."


[1], March 7, 2021. It is worth noting that when it was founded in New York in 1999 by Pin Ho, Duowei, which is a news opinion website, recruited several dissidents to write for it; it was considered a "dissident outlet." In 2009, due to poor management, Duowei was sold to the CCP-backed businessman Yu Pun-hoi, and its headquarters were moved to Beijing. Since then, it has become one of the semi-official news outlets that the Chinese government uses to test public opinion in the Chinese-speaking diaspora. Duowei News cannot be accessed from within China.

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