August 18, 2011 Special Dispatch No. 4089

Member of Jihadi Forum Calls to "Cut Off the Tongue" of David Letterman

August 18, 2011
Special Dispatch No. 4089

On August 17, 2011, a member of the jihadi forum Shumoukh Al-Islam using the handle "'Omar Al-Basrawi" ('Omar from Basra, Iraq) posted a message calling on American Muslims to assassinate late night talk show host David Letterman. Al-Basrawi has over 1200 participations on Shumoukh. The post, titled "To the Muslims in America - Isn't There a Sayyid Nosair among You to Chop Off the Tongue of this Hateful Jew?" read: "I have seen with my eyes and heard with my ears one of the scum of the Jews, one of their pigs, mocking the leaders of the mujahideen. It is the hateful David Letterman, an American Zionist, who hosts a comedy show called 'The Late Show with David Letterman.' ...

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