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Terms found: gaza (documents: 25227, hits: 86607); gaza (documents: 5000).

Special Dispatch No. 11457 - Article In Qatari Daily: We Must Draw Inspiration From Gaza's Jihad Fighters Who Sacrifice Themselves And Light The Way To Freedom - 07/18/24

... greatest wars in the history" of the region "and turning Gaza into an unforgettable legend," and are therefore "a lighthouse for ... where patience joins hands with steadfastness and challenge meets pain, Gaza appears as an icon of steadfastness and courage. Under a ... one can endorse. "These heroic tales of the people of Gaza are a lighthouse for the coming generations that teaches us ... by their determination and will, and continue to remember that Gaza gives birth to the heroes who record the greatest ...

No. 11252 - Michigan Islamic Scholar Mohammad Baqer Qazwini In Toledo, Ohio Shi'ite Ceremony: AIPAC Bribes Bought U.S. Government Support Of Israel; Representatives Who Accept AIPAC Are Enslaved, Cannot Be Trusted; In Upcoming U.S. Elections, One Candidate Is An Expert In Spewing Lies, The Other Turns A Blind Eye On Genocide - 07/08/24

... York, he has been very critical of the war on Gaza. So you know what AIPAC did? They raised $14.5 million ... senators who are the most proponents of the war against Gaza, who are the biggest supporters of Israel, you'll see AIPAC ...

Special Dispatch No. 11453 - Assessing Hamas's October 7 Attack, Al-Qaeda Essay By Sayf Al-'Adl: Killing Civilians More Beneficial Than Taking Them As Prisoners - 07/17/24

... , published part four of a 17-page essay titled: "This Is Gaza: A War Of Existence, Not A War Of Borders." The essay ... , the author continued to exploit the ongoing war in Gaza, offering his suggestions on how to improve the mujahideen's ... of time." Economic Boycott Promoting an economic boycott to support Gazans, the author called on the Islamic peoples to boycott ... buys a car from the West contributes to killing Muslims in Gaza. Purchases that have alternatives in our Islamic countries, whether ...

Inquiry & Analysis Series No. 1774 - Arab League's Renewal Of Relations With Hizbullah Sparks Criticism In Lebanon And Arab World: Hizbullah Is Still Is A Terror Organization; It Does Not Deserve Free Gifts; The Arab League Is Motivated By Outside Interests - 07/17/24

... defending all the Arab peoples, not just the people of Gaza"; it also said that "the political arena in the region ... the IDF to operate on the Egyptian side of Gaza border. Therefor Gaza war could have ended and Houthis would have (presumably ...

N. Mozes

No. 11249 - Lebanese Academic Akram Hamdan: BBC Facilitated Israeli Attacks On Palestinians By Reporting That Gaza Hospitals Were Being Used As Rocket Launch Sites; Where Is Its Professionalism And Objectivity? - 07/13/24

... the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) reported that hospitals in the Gaza Strip were used as launching areas for rocket attacks against ... Al-Shifa Hospital and the other hospitals it has destroyed in Gaza. "Where is the BBC's objectivity and professionalism? The BBC stopped ... massacres perpetrated by the occupation in Palestine – not only in Gaza, but in the West Bank as well."
