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Jul 12, 2024
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Michigan Imam Hassan Qazwini: Our Government, President Only Support Israel Because Of Zionist Money; Most Congressmembers Are Terrified Of AIPAC; They Are Willing To Fight China, Russia, Iran, But Are Too Cowardly To Fight AIPAC's Small Legion In Washington; Allah Willing, You Live To See The Demise Of The Zionists

#11250 | 03:21
Source: Online Platforms - "The Islamic Institute of America on YouTube"

In his July 12, 2024 Friday sermon at the Islamic Institute of America in Dearborn Heights, Michigan Imam Hassan Qazwini said that the only reason President Biden, whom he called, "our aging president," supports Israel is that he wants "the money of the Zionists, so he can be reelected." He continued to say that most members of Congress support Israel because of their greed, because they want the money of the Israeli lobby, even though they know that "Israel is the aggressor" and "Israel is the criminal." Qazwini stated that these members of Congress are "terrified of AIPAC." It is worth noting that Hassan Qazwini is an active supporter of Michigan Democratic politicians, who often appear in fundraisers for the Islamic center. In March 2024 guests at the annual fundraiser for the Islamic Institute of America included Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib and Dearborn Mayor Abdallah Hamoud, while in 2022, Governor Gretchen Whitmer was a guest speaker.

Hassan Qazwini: "In the year 1979, the Iranian people revolted against the Shah, overthrowing his rule that had extended for 25 hundred years. How were they able to do that? Through the inspiration of Imam Hussein. Until now, my dear brothers and sisters, in 2024, people in Gaza are inspired by Imam Hussein. They are inspired by Imam Hussein. People in Gaza have learned from Imam Hussein how to be victims, yet to be the triumphant.


"Most countries around the world now condemn Israel and demand a ceasefire. Unfortunately, there is still one government – it is our government, our Congress, our president – that continue to support Israel, not for moral reasons. Not for moral reasons, rather for political reasons.

"Our aging president supports Israel solely for one reason, because he wants to solicit the money of the Zionists so he can be reelected. Most congressmen and congresswomen support Israel knowing Israel is the aggressor, knowing Israel is the criminal, but they continue supporting Israel because of greed, my dear brothers and sisters, because they are interested in the money of the pro-Israeli lobby.


"Israel and its puppets in America poured 15 million dollars so they can unseat this congressman, Jamaal Bowman. 15 million dollars!


"That is why most congressmen and congresswomen are terrified of the word 'AIPAC'. They are willing to fight China, Russia, Iran, any country, to go to war with them, but they are so coward and so afraid of fighting one small legion in Washington and that is AIPAC.


"Allah is so cool, He watches but never ignores, until the right time comes and then He will deal a spectacular blow to those Zionists and inshallah you will live long enough to see the demise of the Zionists."

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