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Oct 10, 2005
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Anti-Iraqi Constitution Referendum Broadcasts

#879 | 01:39
Source: Al-Arabiya Network (Dubai/Saudi Arabia)

Following are anti-Iraqi constitution referendum broadcasts, which aired on Al-Arabiya TV on October 10, 2005.

Voter #1: We have been a united country and one people since Iraq was born. It's clear from the deliberations about the constitution that it lays the foundation for sectarianism and the division of the country.<>/p>

Voter #2: This constitution divides the country. Throughout the Arab nation there is no such thing. This constitution is invalid.

Voter #3: I don't accept the constitution because it was drafted by America, not by the Iraqi people.

Announcer: The constitution. No to a constitution that lays the foundation for sectarianism. Loyalty for Iraq Unity.

Voter #4: America's constitution took seven years, so how come ours takes two months? How can we know what is our position about this constitution, when we still don't know what it is. Should we only listen to the religious sources of authority? That's not a constitution, my brother. A constitution does not take just a day or two, or a month or two. It should take years to write.


Voter #4: This will create sectarianism between Sunnis and Shiites, and we will fight among ourselves, and for what? We will not accept this. We do not want the constitution, and we will not change our mind.

Announcer: The constitution. My Iraqi brother, resist the occupation by rejecting its constitution.

Voter #5: I hope that the entire Iraqi people will not (blindly) follow their religious sources of authority. They should read the constitution and check its details, and then decide - yes or no.

Voter #6: What will we vote about? The division of Iraq? Iraq will not be divided.

Voter #7: For 1,400 years we have been like brothers. What is this division into mini-states?

Voter #8: Whatever does not serve my country - I don't want it.

Announcer: The constitution. My Iraqi brother, resist the occupation by rejecting its constitution. Loyalty for Iraq Unity

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