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Nov 24, 2024
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Pundits on Houthi TV Debate Rabbi Zvi Kogan’s Murder in the UAE: Every Arab Has a Duty to Carry Out Such Operations; The Killers Are Not Criminals - They Would Have Just Kidnapped Him if They Were Able to Do So

#11599 | 01:28
Source: Al-Masirah TV (Yemen)

In a November 24, 2024 segment on Al-Masirah TV (Houthis-Yemen), Palestinian political analyst Saleh Abu Izzah discussed the murder of Chabad Rabbi Zvi Kogan in the UAE, stating that every Arab citizen has a duty to carry out such operations, especially in countries that have normalized relations with Israel. London-based Lebanese analyst Yehya Harb emphasized that the killers should not be treated as criminals, arguing that Kogan represented "that country" and "that worst killer and war criminal of all" Netanyahu, and that the attackers would have kidnapped him to exchange for Palestinian prisoners if possible.

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