In an interview on the Lebanese Murr TV in July 2012, Lebanese singer Najwa Karam was asked whose attributes she would pick in order to create her ideal man. Without hesitation, she responded: "I would choose Hitler for his rhetoric, his ability of persuasion."
Following are excerpts from the interview, posted on the Internet on July 12, 2012:
Interviewer: If you could mix together several people to form the ideal man in your view, whom would you choose?
Najwa Karam: Several people – not just one?
Interviewer: Yes, let's say brains from one person and good nature from another.
Najwa Karam: I would choose Hitler for his rhetoric, his ability of persuasion. I would choose Richard Gere for his charm, Al Pacino for being street-wise, Hugo or Shakespeare for their romanticism...
Interviewer: Romeo and Juliet.
Najwa Karam: I'd like to combine them all together. And I'd choose Onassis for his money.
Interviewer: Nice. What are you going to sing for us?
Najwa Karam: Hold on a sec, there's Einstein. We forgot that. For his brains.