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Jun 10, 2020
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Lebanese TV Host Neshan Der Haroutiounian: I Have The Right To Call Erdoğan Obnoxious, Turks Killed 1.5 Million Armenians; Pro-Turkey Activist: Proud Of Our Ancestors' Massacring of Armenians

#8072 | 03:04
Source: Al-Jadeed TV (Lebanon)

Lebanese TV host Neshan Der Haroutiounian, who is of Armenian descent, responded in the June 10, 2020 episode of his show on Al-Jadeed/New TV (Lebanon) to a man on Twitter who called him a "refugee" and who accused him of racism because he referred to Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan as "an obnoxious Ottoman." Der Haroutiounian said: "You refer to Lebanese people of Armenian descent as refugees. You son of a bitch, I am more Lebanese than you." He went on to say that people in Lebanon are horrendously racist and he defended his criticism of Turkey and President Erdoğan by pointing out that Turkey had slaughtered 1.5 million Armenians. In response, Mounir Hassan, a pro-Turkey activist, posted a video on social media in which he called Der Haroutiounian "gay," "dog," "stupid," and "obnoxious." Hassan Added: "We and our Ottoman and Turkish ancestors are proud of the massacre that our Ottoman ancestors carried out against the Armenians." Mounir Hassan is the head of the Lebanese Mardelli Assembly, the goal of which is to preserve the heritage of people hailing from Mardin, Turkey.

Neshan Der Haroutionian: "Someone named Raddah Al-Qaysi says: 'Neshan, the refuge pussycat' - he means me - has demonstrated his racism by calling Erdoğan 'an obnoxious Ottoman'.' He is the son of one million obnoxious people - Erdoğan, the [Turkish] regime, the Ottomans, and the Turks... I'm right here. Come at me if you want. You consider me to be a refugee, but I am more Lebanese than you. I won't justify myself. Time and again, you refer to Lebanese people of Armenian descent as refugees. You son of a bitch, I am more Lebanese than you. I am more proud of being Lebanese than you are.


"I'd like to say something to that child... He has the mentality of a child. In Lebanon, our Twitter timeline crashed because of all the people defending George Floyd, and Black Lives Matter, and #icantbreathe... In Lebanon, we are horrendously racist against one another and against foreign workers and housemaids. We are horrendously racist against Syrians, Iranians, Saudis... And then people say: 'No, we are a civilized nation.' [Mouths:] 'F*ck off!'


"I am completely at liberty to call Erdoğan and his regime obnoxious. I have roots... They slaughtered... A million and a half people, and they did not stop... Perhaps... You spoke about Mohammed Abu Diab [your bodyguard who was killed]... A million and a half Armenians were killed..."

Former Lebanese Minister Wiam Wahhab: "My friend, what do the Armenians ask of him? An apology. They do not seek war. All they demand is an apology. What's the problem? It takes courage to apologize. Only cowards do not want to apologize."


Lebanese Pro-Turkish Activist Mounir Hassan: "I would like to respond to Al-Jadeed TV and to the stupid, obnoxious, idiot dog of a journalist who calls himself Neshan.


"I'd like to tell you - you stupid idiot, you obnoxious and insolent schwule [homosexual in German], you gay: We and our Ottoman and Turkish ancestors are proud of the massacre that our Ottoman ancestors carried out against the Armenians, because you deserve it. You deserve to be killed, humiliated, and slaughtered. You have a dark history soiled with treason, blood, lies, and shame. We know this history is a lie, but nevertheless, we are proud of the massacre carried out by the Ottomans against the stupid and obnoxious [people] who call themselves Armenians."

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