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Nov 27, 2024
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Jordanian Senate President Faisal Al-Fayez: Jordan Must Not Commit Suicide For The Sake Of The Palestinian Cause, It Must Act Rationally And Avoid Becoming A Battleground

#11613 | 02:56
Source: Al-Mashhad TV (UAE)

In a November 27, 2024 interview on Al-Mashhad TV (UAE), President of the Jordanian Senate Faisal Al-Fayez stated that Jordan is a "stable and rational country" that must avoid emotional decisions. He emphasized that while Jordan has always supported the Palestinian cause, it cannot allow itself to become a battleground. Al-Fayez criticized Lebanon for letting emotions overtake reason in its approach to the Palestinian cause and pointed to the 1967 war as an example of how irrational decisions led to Arab losses, urging that such mistakes must not be repeated.

Faisal Al-Fayez: "Jordan is a stable and rational country. Unfortunately, emotions always trump reason with us, or emotions overwhelm reason among many of the Arab nations. Jordan is a rational country, and we cannot be dragged into... Or rather, we cannot commit suicide for the sake of any cause. Jordan must be rational in order to survive.


"The Hashemite kings have always served the Palestinian cause with complete devotion, from Abdullah I to Abdullah II. There can be no change in Jordan's policy with regard to the Palestinian cause. Having said that, we cannot turn into a battlefield."

Interviewer: "Do you think that Lebanon has committed suicide for the sake of the Palestinian cause?"


Al-Fayez: "Emotions have overwhelmed reason, I am sad to say, in many positions that had to do with the Palestinian cause.


"Let me give you an example. In the 1967 war, when the Arabs were swept by their emotions, and sympathized with Abdel Nasser, who closed the Straits of Tiran, and led to the loss of Sinai, the Golan, and the West Bank... What did we gain from this? If there was rationality, then the war..."

Interviewer: "But back then, Jordan also sympathized with the proposals of Abdel Nasser. Only later did you say that the price was the loss of the West Bank."

Al-Fayez: "We paid a heavy price and saved the West Bank..."

Interviewer: "Do you consider what Jordan did then to be suicide?"

Al-Fayez: "I would not use the word 'suicide.' All I am saying is that the Arab decision-making back then should have been rational. Syria and Egypt agreed to wage war against Israel. This was a losing war for which no preparations were made, and this is the outcome.


"Gaza has been destroyed, and now they want to rebuild it. This will cost approximately 90 billion.


"If you want to wage war, you must prepare and make plans. You cannot let your reason be swept by your emotions, and launch a conspiracy whose consequences are unknown. The outcome is what we see now."


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