Australian preacher Mohamed Hoblos said in a lecture that if you miss one prayer, "you are worse than a murderer, you are worse than a rapist, you are worse than a terrorist, you are worse than a pedophile in the eyes of Allah." He stressed that: "This person, one person, who commits all of these sins – he commits all of these sins on a daily basis – but he prays is better in the eyes of Allah than the one who doesn't commit any of these sins, but doesn't pray." His lecture was posted on YouTube on February 5, 2017.
Australian Islamic Scholar Mohamed Hoblos: "My brothers and sisters, let me tell you something – and understand this as fact. As far as sin is concerned – and please understand this message very clearly… Of course it is all sin, it is all haram, none of it is good and accepted, but for the sake of understanding… Because many of us, we see a brother who is selling drugs, we see a brother who maybe murdered another brother, and we say, “Look at these people, look how rubbish they are”. My friend, let me tell you something. In the eyes of Allah, as far as sin is concerned… The one who sells drugs – good or bad? Just very quickly – good or bad? Bad. How about the murderer? How about the one who commits adultery – fornication? What about the one who rapes a child? What about the one who drinks alcohol? What about the one who does the biggest of the major sins – good or bad? This person, one person, who commits all of these sins – he commits all of these sins on a daily basis – but he prays, is better in the eyes of Allah than the one who doesn’t commit any of these sins, but doesn’t pray.
"So you and your brother say: 'Yeah, I’m a good guy'... My friend, go and pack that up because it’s not going to work on the Day of Judgment.
"Any person that misses one prayer – one, not two... One prayer, you miss one prayer for no reason… You are worse than a murderer, you are worse than a rapist, you are worse than a terrorist, you are worse than a pedophile in the eyes of Allah."