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May 26, 2024
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Basim Elkarra Of CAIR Action In Baltimore Islamic Conference: The American Muslim Community Is Uniting; We Will Work With Islamic Circle Of North America (ICNA), Muslim American Society (MAS); In November, We Will Remember; AIPAC Had Its Run For 60 Years, But It Is Over Now; We Will Teach These Folks A Lesson

#11135 | 02:55
Source: Online Platforms - "ICAN on YouTube"

Basim Elkarra, executive director of CAIR Action, said in a May 26, 2024 panel during the Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA) Conference in Baltimore, Maryland, that the Muslim community in America is uniting and will teach "these folks" a lesson at the ballot box in the November elections. He discussed the launch of a "Reject AIPAC" campaign, saying that AIPAC's 60-year run is over. CAIR Action is a new civic and political engagement initiative founded by the Islamic Council on Islamic-American Relations (CAIR).

Director of philanthropy at UNRWA USA Hani Almadhoun called for participants to go vote in the November elections, although the options are "cancer and cancer." He also called for boycott of companies that support Israel, alluding to Starbucks and McDonalds.

The moderator of the panel Laila El-Haddad, a Palestinian-American author and journalist called for participants to vote "uncommitted," alluding to the campaign to vote against President Biden in the Democratic primaries. Elkarra and El-Haddad are part of a lawsuit aimed at forcing the White House to stop its aid to Israel and which is accusing President Biden of genocide.

The conference was streamed live on ICNA on YouTube.

Basim Elkarra: "We will teach them a lesson, and we tell them, in November we will remember. And right here looking at all this audience right here, wallahi, if we all work together and reunite, we will teach these folks a lesson at the ballot box. AIPAC has had the run for 60 years, but it's over now. It is over now. And I'll tell you right now, that reject AIPAC alliance is alive and kicking. And We Care is launching a national five in one seat, we didn't do it in California, but now we're going national, called Care Action, and we will work with ICNA [Islamic Circle of North America], with MAS [Muslim American Society], with all the national organizations, with MUNA [Muslim Ummah of North America], everyone, you name it, we are all coming together."

"We will find a way to come together and unite our forces. And we will, and our friends, and our allies have been waiting for us, and wallahi they are so excited. They are so excited about the possibility that the American Muslim community is uniting, and we'll teach these folks a lesson, and we tell our allies, and I won't mention their names because it's a C3 space, but we're coming, we are coming. And all of you, all of you phone banking. All of you canvassing, wallahi, wallahi. We will teach AIPAC a lesson together."

Hani Almadhun: "Alright, also go vote in November. I know our options are cancer and cancer, just remember, you really have to show up, if you don't show up, you don't count. Whatever local things, respect it. Write your name, or whatever name they agree to, but please show up in November, please. Last thing I want to mention…"

Laila El-Haddad: "And in the meantime, and I represent myself and not ICNA, I'm committed. You don't know what that is, look it up."

Almadhun: "And I represent myself here and not any agency or organization I'm associated with, but I am going to tell you this from the heart. Be careful where you spend your money. You know these brands, when I hear the CEO of that famous coffee chain doing a P.R. for Israel in this country, and like hey, how can we make Israel look better, that's the CEO and founder of that coffee company, please change your consumer behavior. That hamburger chain place, one you shouldn't go because it's not halal. Two, remember they were, remember they were providing meals for people who are killing families and members like our families here."

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