A British Islamist, who goes by the name "Abu Haleema," posted a video dedicated to Donald Trump on the Internet in December. In the video, Abu Haleema said that he would rather have a Trump who openly tells the Muslims that he hates them than an Obama, "a snake who hides it." In a March 7 video, Abu Haleema was joined by other like-minded Islamists, who referred to Trump as "an idiotic infidel," who is "the ugly face of democracy." They agreed that like all infidels, he would end up in the Hellfire.
Following are excerpts
December 27, 2015
"Abu Haleema": What Donald Trump said is a mercy from Allah, because it took a taghout infidel like that to let you people know that they don't like you, that they don't want you in their lands, that they hate you. It took a taghout infidel like that. I'd rather have him tell us that than someone like Obama - a snake who hides it.
Anywhere they see Islam rising, they bomb it. They feel nothing about killing innocent women and children. Why? Because they hate you, and that is the truth. When are you going to wake up and realize that? Yes. We would rather have this infidel taghout tell us this than someone who hides, someone like Cameron, who comes on eid and gives messages to the Muslims. He says to them: Assalaam Alaykum.Some infidel like that, who tries to hide his hatred... I'd rather have a taghout tell us openly what they think of us, because it can remind all of you that they hate you.
March 7, 2016
British Islamist, wearing a blue raincoat: I think [Donald Trump] is an idiotic infidel, who needs to accept Islam or enter the Hellfire. Well, a lot can be said about the man Donald Trump, but I think the best way to sum it up is that he is the true ugly face of democracy.
British Islamist wearing a gray coat: Well, a lot can be said about the man Donald Trump, but I think the best way to sum it up is that he is the true ugly face of democracy.
Abu Haleema: About Donald Trump?
Interviewer: Yes.
Abu Haleema: Well, to be honest, about Donald Trump... The man he is, with the money and the power... Allah told us about these people, in Quran 15:38, when He said: "Do not grieve yourself over certain classes of people, of what We have given them to enjoy it, and do not grieve for them and make yourself merciful to the believers."
British Islamist: Donald Trump, as we know, is an infidel. He is a disbeliever. He disbelieves in Islam. He is showing his enmity, his hatred, and his animosity against Islam.
Abu Haleema: "Make yourself merciful to the believers." This is what Allah told us. This is what Allah told us. Don't strain your eyes over these infidels. Don't strain your eyes over the money and power they have. Do not grieve for them at all. Do not grieve for this infidel
tawaghit at all, and make yourself merciful to the believers. We have got no love for any of these tawaghit. We only love the Muslims, and we only have loyalty for the Muslims.
British Islamist wearing white cap: The one with the real wealth is the one who has belief in Allah, and worships Allah alone. He is the one who is the richest and follows the Messenger Muhammad.
British Islamist, wearing a blue raincoat: I think that it would actually be quite good if he got voted in, because maybe then, the American Muslims would wake up.
British Islamist wearing a gray coat: We are seeing how he is free to insult other people, how he is free to demonize those he disagrees with. He is obviously a very stupid person.
British Islamist wearing white cap: Now, Donald Trump, this guy - we have seen recently he has made a lot of comments against Islam, against Muslims, etc. At least with Donald Trump, you know where you stand. He has shown his "loyalty and disavowal", in his set, obviously for his own disbelief.
British Islamist: We Muslims believe that if he does not repent, he will abide in the Hellfire forever, because he believes that his wealth will save him from the punishment of Allah. But we know that all of us will be held accountable.
British Islamist wearing white cap: Sadly, many Muslims had to leave their land because of the bombings of the USA - of the Americans and all those Crusaders. At least one thing with Donald Trump - he makes it clear where you stand, rather than Obama, who gives you a smiley face, and then he stabs you in the back.
I am not encouraging people to vote for him, because we don't believe in democracy, as Muslims, and we reject all of those candidates and their system. But we say to... Obviously, Donald Trump is another devil, and he should rejected and not be seen as a supporter... Neither of these candidates should be seen as friends of Islam. Rather, we should reject them all. If they don't embrace Islam, they are all going to go to the Hellfire. His money and the Trump towers are not going to help him in the least.