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Mar 10, 2005
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Captured Iraqi Terrorist Saleh Al-Jubouri: We Got Communiques Calling to Kill Americans and Iraqi Policemen from Saudi Sheik Safar Al-Hawali

#619 | 01:29
Source: Al-Iraqiya TV (Iraq)

The following are excerpts from the interrogation of captured Iraqi Terrorist Saleh Al-Jubouri. Al-Iraqiya TV aired this interview on March 10, 2005

Interviewer: The next defendant...

Saleh Al-Jubouri: Saleh Khalaf Saleh Nofan Al-Jubouri.

Interviewer: Nofan what?

Saleh Al-Jubouri: Al-Jubouri.

Interviewer: Year of birth?

Saleh Al-Jubouri: 1975.

Interviewer: Are you married?

Saleh Al-Jubouri: Yes, sir.

Interviewer: Saleh, before we finish, you told me that this corrupt man, Nizam, brought communiques from Saudi Arabia, along with some money.

Saleh Al-Jubouri: Yes.

Interviewer: What was all this about?

Saleh Al-Jubouri: They dealt with attacking the Americans, the police, and the National Guard.

Interviewer: Communiques calling for attacks on the Americans and the police?

Saleh Al-Jubouri: Yes.

Interviewer: Who brought them from Saudi Arabia? Who printed them for him?

Saleh Al-Jubouri: He got them from Safar Al-Hawali.

Interviewer: Safar Al-Hawali? Where is he from?

Saleh Al-Jubouri: From Saudi Arabia, I don't know exactly where. Safar was the one who contacted him.

Interviewer: He told you that Safar Al-Hawali contacted him?

Saleh Al-Jubouri: Yes.

Interviewer: To which group does he belong? What does he do?

Saleh Al-Jubouri: I don't know. He would contact Nizam Al-Din, and pass him (the communiques) for the (People of the Hadith) Association.

Interviewer: Did he send money?

Saleh Al-Jubouri: (Nizam) would give it to Abu Tabark, and we would get…

Interviewer: How do these (communiques) get in here? From where? Do you know? Do you know how they enter Iraq?

Saleh Al-Jubouri: I don't know exactly. They come from Saudi Arabia, from this man, Safar.

Interviewer: Safar would give them to Nizam Al-Din Abu Mu'az, who would pass them on to the Association, which then…

Interviewer:...distributes them?

Saleh Al-Jubouri: Yes.

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