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Aug 06, 2024
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Iranian CCTV Footage Shows Morality Policy Brutally Beating 14-Year-Old Girl

#11306 | 01:49
Source: Online Platforms - "Ensaf News website"

On August 6, 2024, the Iran Wire X account published CCTV footage showing a 14-year-old girl in Iran being violently assaulted and beaten by Iran's morality police. The footage was first published by the Iranian Ensaf News website, and the incident apparently took place on June 21, 2024 in Tehran. The website also claimed that the footage was acquired after it was ordered by a Tehran Province judge to be released to the girl's family and to their attorney.

Onscreen text: "New footage of a violent arrest and beating of a girl by hijab police. CCTV footage that was ordered by a Tehran Province judge to be released to the attorney and the family."

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