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Jul 20, 2024
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Colorado Imam Sheikh Karim Abu Zaid: Muslims Cannot Align With Or Accommodate The LGBT Movement; They Want Us To Be Indecisive On The Subject, But We Cannot Unite With Them

#11379 | 01:35
Source: Online Platforms - "SAFA USA on YouTube"

Sheikh Karim Abu Zaid, the imam of the Colorado Muslim Community Center in Aurora, CO, said in a July 20, 2024 Q&A session that was livestreamed on the SAFA USA YouTube channel that there is no such thing as a Muslim aligning with the LGBT movement. He said that the sin of Lot's wife was that she was willing to "accommodate" sexual immorality, explaining: "What they want you to do is move [to] the domain of being indecisive." He added: "And you want to unite with this person?"

Sheikh Karim Abu Zaid: "There is no such thing as aligning with LGBT. What do you mean a Muslim aligning with LGBT? I'm still going to call him a Muslim? Give me a break.

"What was the sin of the wife of the Prophet Lot? What was her sin? No. She didn't have that resolute position that her husband had. Never would a wife of a prophet do something like that, but she was willing to accommodate. 'It's okay.'

"You see, there is a position of being determined, this is right or this is wrong. What they want you to do is to move from that domain to that domain of being indecisive: Maybe we should let, you know... So a Muslim entertaining that entire concept... And you want to unite with this person? On what foundation? Unite on what? Unity is on the truth."

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