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Sep 21, 2024
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Dearborn, Michigan Imam Usama Abdulghani: We Have Slow-Boiled The Israeli Frog For A Whole Year, Even If They Killed Some Of Our Commanders; There Is No Way To Deal With The Israelis, They Cannot Be Alive; Their Politicians Are Like Sick Puppies That Must Be Put Down; Hizbullah Secretary-General Nasrallah’s Speeches Are Masterpieces

#11428 | 02:41
Source: Online Platforms - "Light of Guidance on YouTube"

Dearborn, Michigan imam Sheikh Usama Abdulghani said during a lecture that was livestreamed on the Light of Guidance YouTube channel on September 21, 2024 that up until recently, the world was not aware of how "terrible and savage" Israel is, and he praised Nasrallah, his "masterpiece" speeches, and the patience of the "brothers" in Lebanon for using the prolonged timeline of the conflict between Hizbullah and Israel to "slow-boil the Israeli frog." He elaborated that the world now sees Israel, its politicians, and its people for how "evil and wicked" they are, and he said that they are like "sick puppies" who have to be "put down." In addition, he predicted that when Hizbullah finally hits Israel "really hard," the entire region and the free world will "cheer Hizbullah on" and say: "There's no way to deal with these guys [i.e. Israel], they can't be alive."

For more clips of Usama Adbulghani, see MEMRI TV clips 11248, 11123, 11029, 10801, 10681, 11004, 10573, 9602, 9616, 8073, 7284.

Usama Abdulghani: "Our problem before was that the world didn't know just how terrible and savage this enemy was.


"Now, part of the victory is that the world is ready. I'll give you an example. If you guys, and I'm sure you were, you were following Hassan Nasrallah's speeches from the beginning.


"These speeches were masterpieces, just objectively looking at how he was slowly bringing the community around and making them understand, okay. What this allowed, because the law gave time for this, we always needed to have that absolute war with them. All out war. But because Allah made it take time, we were able to slow-boil the Israeli frog.


"So what that meant is that the Brothers had a whole year to blind Israel, to get to know Israel's weaknesses, to point out, and the world's watching, and the world's watching.


"Now the world sees Israel for what it is. The world sees this is a state that's so evil, so wicked, their people protest when their soldiers are arrested for doing things that we can't even say on the minbar [pulpit]. Like the things that their soldiers do are so disgusting, as adults we find it hard to say them out loud. You see their people protesting for the right to do this. You see their politicians coming from the Knesset outside the prison to show their support because this is how dark and how twisted they are. They're literally, they're sick puppies. They have to be put down.


"Yes it's true. They hit, they killed some of our commanders. That's true. But now, when we're going to hit really hard, the entire region is going to be with us. Not only that, many of the free people in the world will be cheering Hezbollah on, saying that there's just no way to deal with these guys. They just, they can't be alive."


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