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Jul 02, 2009
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Egyptian Cleric Mazen Al-Sarsawi Calls Shiites "Filthy," "Infidels," and "Dogs," and Shiite Women "Whores"

#2248 | 00
Source: Al-Nas TV (Egypt)

Following are excerpts from a TV address delivered by Egyptian preacher Mazen Al-Sarsawi, which aired on Al-Nas TV on July 2, 2009.

Mazen Al-Sarsawi: The Prophet Muhammad is the master of the believers. To this day, those ignorant vile [Shiites]... Some people may not have heard about this, because they are not involved in this, but the Rafidites and the Shiites pose an imminent danger to the [Muslim] nation everywhere. Look what they are doing to one another in Iran. They are slaughtering one another – so what can we expect them to do to us Muslims? They will do the same thing they did in Iraq. Iraq is the best proof of what I am saying. The people who were deluded by the Shiites must awaken. If they do not awaken now, they never will. To this day, these Rafidites write articles and books, and talk on TV and over the Internet... I am not talking about the extremists among them, but about their leaders, and about the people who they consider to be religious scholars.

To this moment, they continue to malign the honor of 'Aisha. One of these dogs wrote an article, in which he called 'Aisha "the mother of loiterers." That's his own mother he was talking about in this article. May God curse him. 'Aisha is the mother of the believers and the crown on his mother's head, whether he likes it or not. This infidel dares to talk about the honor of the Prophet Muhammad's wife!

Because of what these filthy [Shiites] say, some religious scholars have ruled that they are infidels – and infidels they are! God has exacted a terrible revenge from them: There is not a single one of them whose honor is intact, because they permit pleasure marriage, which is... It's prostitution, to use simple terms. What the Shiites call pleasure marriage is what Muslims call prostitution. It means that any man who meets a woman on the street can say to her: Two hours, and I will pay you this and that. There is no marriage contract or anything, and an hour later, he divorces her, and someone else has sex with her. No problem. They have no such thing as a waiting period [for widows and divorcées].

Their Khomeini ruled that having sex with a married woman is permitted. Even if a woman is married, a man can have sex with her, just like that. But they say that the most important thing is not to ask her if she is married. These dogs say that if you see that a woman is married, it is okay to have sex with her, as long as you don't ask her. Take her like that, and that's it. This is a farce, yet they say that this is part of Islam. They excel in this.

This is their way to come closer to God. These filthy [Shiites] recite a false hadith, according to which whoever has had pleasure marriage once reaches the status of Hussein Ibn Ali. Whoever has had pleasure marriage twice reaches the status of Ali Ibn Abu Talib. And whoever has had it three times reaches the status of the Prophet. You've heard enough. That is the religion of these dogs, who continue to curse the Prophet's wife to this moment. Whoever fornicates three times reaches the status of the Prophet. When they permitted these pleasure marriages, this fornication... They even have pleasure marriage in turns. They stand in line, and each awaits his turn: first, second, third, fourth, fifth. Their women are proud of this. Their Zaynabs – the whores of the Shiite seminaries – say that this is great.

Even on the website of one of their top scholars, Sistani... This is no secret, it was on his official website. It was written there – before they removed it, when the whole world criticized and rebuked them for this... They wrote on the website of this man, their top religious source of authority, about a certain Ali Ibn Muhammad Bakr "lottery." He became his father's son through a lottery. How come? His mother was having pleasure [marriages] for the sake of Allah. Just like that. With anyone – no problem. Three men fornicated with her in the same menstruation cycle. She got pregnant. Who would they pin the baby on? So they held a lottery, and one of them was declared the father.

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