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Jul 20, 2005
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Egyptian Commandos Perform at a Military College Graduation Ceremony

#773 | 01:30
Source: Channel 1 (Egypt)

The following are excerpts from a Egyptian Military College graduation course, which aired on Egyptian Channel 1 on July 20, 2005.

Announcer: At both ends of the courtyard there are two trucks with commando soldiers, displaying their skills of jumping from a moving vehicle, then jumping over a moving obstacle, and then performing somersaults through burning hoops. The commandos' motto is "Self Sacrifice and Glory." From the training towers, waves of commando soldiers still flood in from all directions, using all the means at their disposal. In the courtyard, the commandos perform a series of falls on a hard surface, after passing over a moving target. In the sky, you can clearly see the diamond shape formed by nine paratroopers. In the courtyard, the men demonstrate a new and ingenious method of jumping. They demonstrate high obstacles, and how to pass them.

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