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Jan 09, 2013
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Egyptian International Soccer Referee Nasser Sadek: Israel Should Be Torn Out, Denied the Right to Host International Championships

#3720 | 01:28
Source: Al-Nas TV (Egypt)

Following are excerpts from an interview with Egyptian international soccer referee Nasser Sadek on the upcoming European soccer championship in Israel. The interview aired on Al-Nas TV on January 9, 2013:

Nasser Sadeq: This Zionist Entity is planted, like a cancerous tumor, in the body of the Arab and Islamic nation. We must tear it out, and until we do, we must fight it as much as we can.


Allah willing, we hope to shake UEFA and FIFA, so that Israel can never again organize a World Cup or any other championship. UEFA and FIFA will think a thousands times before granting them the privilege of hosting championships. They will remember that the whole world turned against them. A well-known Arab TV channel has purchased the airing rights of this championship. We must prevent this. If this famous channel does not refrain from doing so...

Interviewer: Al-Jazeera TV has purchased the rights and will air from Israel?

Nasser Sadeq: Yes, of course. If this is true, we will write to Al-Jazeera. If they persist, we will call to boycott it.


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