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Oct 16, 2009
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Egyptian TV Presenter Randa Samir Criticizes Homosexual Tourism in Israel

#2258 | 01:08
Source: Al-Faraeen TV (Egypt)

Following are excerpts from a news report by Egyptian TV presenter Randa Samir, which aired on Al-Faraeen TV on October 16, 2009.

Randa Samir: A convention has been launched in Tel Aviv in order to discuss the ways to invigorate homosexual tourists – or rather, homosexual tourism – to Israel. 25 travel agencies from abroad are participating in the convention. These agencies specialize in organizing tours for homosexuals. The initiative for the convention came from the tourism organization of the Tel Aviv Municipality, and the homosexual movement in Israel.

You see, people?! My God...My God...They do the loathsome thing that angers God in order to invigorate tourism. We will return after the break.

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