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Oct 14, 2005
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Fahrenheit Infinity - An Iranian Satire Reviews the Presidency of George W. Bush

#884 | 06:08
Source: Channel 2 (Iran)

Following are excerpts from a satirical Iranian show titled "Fahrenheit Infinity", which was broadcast on Channel 2, Iranian TV on October 14, 2005.

Condoleezza Rice: You don't have to understand my work methods, OK?

Bush: No problem.

Condoleezza Rice: I'm surprised at you.

Bush: Oh yeah? What do you mean?

Condoleezza Rice: I'm serious. After all, your father was president for one term. With a record as a governor, you're not supposed to be so inexperienced.

Bush: You may be right.

Condoleezza Rice: Of course I am. You should know that in this country many people can change the elections results within a day, or even a few hours, in a completely legal manner, without anybody getting hurt, leaving no record for the courts.

Bush: I think I still have a lot to learn from you.

Condoleezza Rice: No, no. You're exaggerating.

Bush: No, my dear. I think there's a lot I should learn about you, one day. I've got plans for you.

Enough of that!

Condoleezza Rice: OK.


Ariel Sharon: C'mon, c'mon! It's time to play and to weave hundreds of lies. People are now all ears - some listen to Al Gore and some to Bush.

You people who sit at home - I buy your votes. The higher the "fee" you give, the more it will pay you off. You people who sit at home - I buy your votes. The higher the "fee" you give, the more it will pay you off. This Bush, this Bush... This Bush, who's been drunk all his life from all those barrels of wine, now claims: "Oh people, we're all for America, and America is for us." He now claims: "Oh people, we're all for America, and America is for us."

Bush: You people who sit at home - I buy your votes. The higher the "fee" you give, the more it will pay you off. You people who sit at home - I buy your votes. The higher the "fee" you give, the more it will pay you off. Bush, Bush... The Bush they all talk about it me. If they mention someone shocking - it's me again. Al Gore is trying really hard, but the presidency passes through our genes. Al Gore is trying really hard, but the presidency passes through our genes.

You people who sit at home - I buy your votes. The higher the "fee" you give, the more it will pay you off. You people who sit at home - I buy your votes. The higher the "fee" you give, the more it will pay you off.

Tony Blair: Look, it's all a big mess. Look, it's all a big mess. One teases the other, and the other stings back. It's interesting how two grown wolves smile just like sheep. Look, it's all a big mess. One teases the other, and the other stings back. It's interesting how two grown wolves smile just like sheep.


Sharon: For us, your victory is a matter of principle.

Bush: I'm grateful. My dad said you were very kind.

Sharon: But my dear uncle, I think it's best if you stop using boxing gloves, weapons, and those pipes.

Blair: Yes, I wanted to say that too. It's very violent. When these words are used, I get all choked up with tears. There you go. My mascara is all smudged again. Condoleezza, did you bring your mascara

Condoleezza Rice: Yes, man. Wait just a second. Where did I put it? Here you go, man.

Blair: Thank you. Oh no, I don't use this brand. You shouldn't use it either. You know, it makes your lashes stick together.

Condoleezza Rice: You don't say?

Sharon (brandishing a gun): Can't you just shut up for one minute? I'm talking now.

Bush: Let's hear what he has to say, you fools.

SharonThis era is ours, even if we have to kill half the Palestinians. Get it?

Bush, Rice, and Blair in unison: Yes.

Blair: Yes, yes. We understand.

SharonHow come you've all gone silent, all of a sudden?

Bush:What do you want? My heart just sank... into my eye.


>Blair: We have to get everyone to understand what we say - First with words... then with fists... then with weapons... then with micro-biology.


Host: I hope you are not too tired by now. In the coming episodes, we will continue to review the presidency of George W. Bush. Stay tuned to our show, "Fahrenheit Infinity."

Puppet: Forget about the past... I swear on your mother's life, what's gone is gone. Let it go, don't embarrass me.

Host: I don't care what you say.

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