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Oct 06, 2024
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Former Iranian Majles Member Ali Motahari: The Loss Of Life In Gaza Is Regrettable, But Worthwhile For The Sake Of Liberating Palestine; Another Way To Destroy Israel Is For Palestinians To Vote For The Jews To Leave The Country

#11478 | 03:21
Source: IRIB Ofogh TV (Iran)

Former Iranian Majles Member Ali Motahari congratulated the viewers in an October 6, 2024 show on Ofogh TV (Iran) on the upcoming anniversary of the October 7 attack. He said that the loss of life and damage in Gaza and Lebanon are regrettable – but they are worthwhile "if we look at the goal of gradually liberating Palestine." Motahari further said that another way to destroy Israel is to hold an election among Palestinians, including those in the diaspora, on whether to allow the Jews to stay in Palestine or force them to leave. He explained that this would be another way to destroy Israel. Motahari said that there will not be peace unless Israel is destroyed, and if Israel were to be victorious, it would enslave the other countries in the region.

Ali Motahari: "Congratulations on the anniversary of the Al-Aqsa Flood operation to all of you.


"Despite the martyrdom of about 50,000 Palestinians in Gaza and [although] the martyrs and damage inflicted upon Lebanon are really regrettable, if we look at the goal of gradually liberating Palestine, these [losses] become worthwhile. In my opinion, liberating Palestine is worth even more..."

Interviewer: "It is worthwhile to have all these martyrs for this liberation."

Motahari: "Correct. All these martyrs and destruction... Although even a single life is precious for us, it is worth paying an even higher price for the Liberation of Palestine.


"I assure that if Israel wins this war, the people and countries of the region will have to become its slaves. It [Israel] becomes the master, everyone else will be its subjects, and will have to follow its orders. Since [Israel], with its small territory, is not a satisfied creature, it will not leave other nations alone. Once it gains [more] power, it will immediately restart its conquests. Therefore, the fate of this creature has to be determined this time.


"We have to spread this [resistance] to all the Islamic countries in the world."

Interviewer: "Right."

Motahari: "This will be a very long resistance. Either it [Israel] will be annihilated this way, or the world will come to terms with Iran's solution of a referendum for all the people of Palestine, including those within the occupied territories..."

Interviewer: "And abroad."

Motahari: "In Gaza, the West Bank, Lebanon, and Syria, or Palestinians who live in other places, wherever those places may be. They will have elections and vote for their government. Then they should decide if [Jews] who came from Europe and other places, and those whose language and looks do not match the region..."

Interviewer: "Their culture is also different."

Motahari: "They should have never come here in the first place. The [Palestinians] should decide if these [Jews] should remain or leave. This is also a solution that would ultimately destroy [Israel]. We will not have peace unless [Israel] is destroyed. The people and countries of the region will not achieve peace and prosperity otherwise."

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