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Nov 03, 2021
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Former Iranian Diplomat Seyyed Hadi Seyyed Afghahi: Martyrdom-Seekers Are Ready To Make The Persian Gulf Red With The Blood Of Americans

#9169 | 00:42
Source: Al-Alam Network (Iran)

Former Iranian diplomat Seyyed Hadi Seyyed Afghahi said in a November 3, 2021 interview on Al-Alam TV (Iran) that the entire Iranian nation is united behind the IRGC and that there are martyrdom-seekers "who will make the water of the Persian Gulf red with the blood of Americans and anybody who joins them." He said that the U.S. is failing and must "act rationally and think a thousand times" before setting out on any "adventures." For more about Afghahi, see MEMRI TV Clips No. 8977, No. 8163, and No. 7945.

Seyyed Hadi Seyyed Afghahi: "The entire Iranian nation is now united behind the IRGC. If we need, there are martyrdom-seekers who will make the water of the Persian Gulf red with the blood of the Americans and anybody who joins them in any adventure. The U.S. must act rationally, and think a thousand times before setting out on any adventure."

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