Following are excerpts from an interview with former Iraqi MP Ayad Jamal Al-Din, which aired on Al-Arabiya TV on January 1, 2013.
Ayad Jamal Al-Din: [Iraqi PM Nouri Al-Maliki] keeps many dossiers about the corruption of all the public figures in Baghdad and elsewhere, and he uses these dossiers in a calculated manner. One day, he takes action against a certain minister, and another day, against another. Whenever there is a case against a minister for corruption, terrorism, or whatever, that minister or official resorts to his sect.
If [Al-Maliki] takes action against a supporter of Muqtada Al-Sadr, it is claimed that the Shiites are being targeted. If it is against a corrupt Kurdish minister, they say the Kurds are being targeted. If it is against a Sunni bodyguard, they say Sunni women are being raped. This is a true disaster.
The entire world is up in arms, thinking that Iraq is facing collapse. If the Iraqi List or [Finance Minister] Rafi Al-Issawi or his bodyguards believe that they have justice on their side, they should resign in a dignified manner, and then we will not see Nouri Al-Maliki heading the government. But as of now, they are Al-Maliki’s partners, and they must confine their differences to the government and parliament, rather than taking them to the street, causing bloodshed and sectarian tension in Iraq and the region.
Today, things are happening throughout the region. The Muslim Brotherhood control Turkey, Syria, Gaza, Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, and Morocco. There is a battle in Syria, in order to complete the Muslim Brotherhood empire. They have a branch in Iraq as well.
Instead of being an Islamic party, the Muslim Brotherhood has become a Sunni party, which might lead to Sunni-Shiite fighting in Iraq.