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Jan 06, 2014
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FSA, ISIS Fighters Exchange Insults over the Two-Way Radio in the Wake of Aleppo Rebel Infighting

#4095 | 02:52
Source: Online Platforms

Following are excerpts from a two-way radio conversation between ISIS and FSA fighters, which was posted on the Internet on January 6, 2014


Foreign Fighter for Al-Qaeda's Islamic State in Iraq and Syria [ISIS]: You worship [FSA commander] Khaled Hiyani, you apostate infidels. We've declared you to be "apostates," you heretics.

Voice of Fighter for the Free Syrian Army [FSA]:[Indistinct chatter]

ISIS Foreign Fighter: You don't know Allah or His Prophet, you creature. You sow corruption upon the land. Allah said: "The punishment of those who wage war against Allah and His Messenger, and sow corruption upon the land, is that they should be killed, be crucified, or have their hands and feet cut from alternate sides, or be banished from the land. Such shall be their disgrace in this world, and their torment in the Hereafter."

You people have sown corruption upon the land. You have killed women, fornicated with women, and raped men, women, and children, yet you dare call yourselves Muslims?! What kind of Islam do you follow?!

Voice of FSA Fighter: [Indistinct chatter] Why did you come here? Go fight Israel, brother.

ISIS Foreign Fighter: Fighting apostates takes precedence over fighting original infidels. Fighting apostates, like you people, who curse Allah and His Messenger, and violate the honor of Muslims, takes precedence over fighting the Jews and the Christians. All imams concur on that.

Voice of FSA Fighter: We fight for the sake of Allah, and you fight for the sake of the taghout, you oppressor, you apostate, you [follower of Abu Bakr] Al-Baghdadi. We are mujahideen, and you are...

ISIS Foreign Fighter: For whose sake do you wage Jihad? For Hiyani, 'Afash, and the National Coalition? Are you waging Jihad for the sake of democracy and secularism? You don't want Allah's shari'a, and you fight whoever does. You people are apostate infidels. Fighting you takes precedence over fighting the original infidels.

Voice of FSA Fighter: You swine... ...you prostitutes, you supporters of Al-Baghdadi... They follow Satan... You follow the accursed Devil. May Allah curse you. We opened our homes to you... [Indistinct chatter]

Why do you... Let's see you dare come here. Allah be praised.

ISIS Foreign Fighter: Those of you who listen to [Khaled] Al-Hiyani should know that he is no Muslim. He curses Allah and His Messenger. He violates the honor of Muslims. He sows corruption upon the land, and is negligent about his prayers. Due to all the prohibitions that you and he violate, you are not Muslims.

Voice of FSA Fighter: You infidels. You enemies of Allah.


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