On August 29, 2014, Sheik Iyad Abu Funun delivered a Friday sermon at the Huda Mosque in Gaza. During the sermon, he brandished a gun, and declared that weapons were the Palestinians' only means to establish a caliphate. Sheik Abu Funun was released to the West Bank as part of the Shalit prisoner swap deal in 2011. He was arrested again, and was sentenced to complete his 10-year term in prison. In July 2013, after threatening to go on a hunger strike, he was released and deported to Gaza.
Following are excerpts:
Sheikh Iyad Abu Funun: The [Israelis] came to conquer the Gaza Strip. Did they succeed in doing so? No, they did not. They came to take these weapons away from us [brandishing gun]. Do I still hold this weapon, or not? They came to take these weapons from us. Did they succeed? Allah Akbar! Allah be praised! Allah Akbar! Allah be praised! Allah Akbar! Allah be praised! Allah Akbar! Allah be praised!
They came to take our guns, but the guns remain in our hands. They did not manage to take a single gun, a single bullet, or a single rocket from us.
They came to destroy the tunnels. Did they destroy them?
They came to stop us from launching rockets at them. Did the rockets stop?
They came to make us surrender. Did we surrender?
They came to humiliate us. Did they humiliate us?
They came to break us. Did they break us?
This war has proven that these weapons are our only means to liberate our land. These weapons are our only means to liberate the Al-Aqsa Mosque. These weapons are our only means to establish the Islamic State. These weapons are our only means to reestablish Muhammad's caliphate. These weapons are our only means to instate the law of Allah. Therefore, they will take our souls before they can take out weapons! Allah Akbar! All praise to Allah! Allah Akbar! All praise to Allah! Allah Akbar! All praise to Allah!