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Sep 18, 2005
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Head of the Islamic Movement in Israel, Sheik Raed Sallah: Bush Has Brought Hurricane Katrina upon the American People

#865 | 02:22
Source: Al-Alam Network (Iran)

The following are excerpts from an interview with Sheik Raed Sallah, the head of the Islamic Movement in Israel. Al-'Alam TV aired this interview on September 18, 2005.

Sheik Raed Sallah: I have only two things to say to President George Bush. The first is: Human history did not begin with the birth of George Bush Jr. It existed for centuries before that. History has known conceited, condescending, and arrogant leaders, some of whom went so far as to say: "I am your Lord," but all of them are gone. Our right remained when all these condescending people were gone. History will have no mercy on George Bush. His fate will be the same as all these condescending people, without exception, and our rights will remain. Ultimately, we will remain in history, while George Bush will not. That is the first thing.

Second, I say to him: If you think you are so great - Allah is greater. You should learn the lesson about Allah's ability from what you have brought upon your own people, oh George Bush - which has come to be known as Hurricane Katrina. There are tens of thousands of dead, for whom we are very sorry, and we send our condolences to any innocent family among them, and for any innocent person among them who has died. But at the same time, we say to the American people: You should know that this is no chaos, because the universe is not ruled by chaos, but by the will of Allah. What has brought Hurricane Katrina upon you is the injustice of George Bush Jr. and of the White House. Remove this injustice from the world if you want Allah's punishments to cease afflicting the American people.

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