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May 24, 2024
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Hizbullah Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah Commends The Expected ICC Arrest Warrants For Netanyahu And Gallant, 'Despite The Injustice Done To The Leaders Of Hamas': This Is The Result Of The 'Al-Aqsa Flood': Israel Has Been Disgracefully Unmasked

#11122 | 01:29
Source: Online Platforms - "Spot Shot (Lebanon) on YouTube"

Hizbullah Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah discussed the ruling of the International Criminal Court (ICC) in The Hague earlier that day in his May 24, 2024 address that was aired on Spot Shot Online (Lebanon). He asked: "…who would have believed that a time would come when the ICC would demand arrest warrants for Netanyahu and Gallant?" Nasrallah criticized ICC chief prosecutor Karim Khan for his "equal treatment of the executioner and the victim," and the "injustice" done to Hamas leaders.

Hassan Nasrallah: "With regard to the international courts – I do not want to go into all the details about the chief public prosecutor of the International Criminal Court, and his equal treatment of the executioner and the victim. Regardless of this – who would have believed that a time would come when the ICC would demand arrest warrants for Netanyahu and Gallant? Who would have believed that such a day would come?

"I am saying this regardless of the injustice done to the leaders of Hamas. This is among the results of the Al-Aqsa Flood. The steadfastness, the patience, the endurance, the great disgrace [of Israel] in the world, and all the efforts of the media, and the people, the demonstrations, the university students, and so on and so forth... Today, Israel is facing the International Criminal Court, and it has been unmasked.

"One of the outcomes of the Al-Aqsa Flood, mentioned by Imam Khamenei, is that the West, Western culture, and Western camp have been disgracefully unmasked."

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